Women’s Sexual Wellness Injection


Women’s Sexual Wellness Injection

The women’s sexual wellness injection is a non-surgical medical procedure designed to enhance sexual arousal and pleasure in women. It involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from the patient's own blood into specific areas of the vagina and clitoris.

Learn how the procedure works:

  • We will begin your initial treatment service with a complimentary consultation. During this consultation, we will discus your concerns, medical history, and expectations from the procedure.

    Complimentary consultations can be booked here.

  • After the consultation concludes and you're prepared to proceed, we'll extract a small quantity of blood from your arm. The drawn blood is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from other components of the blood.

  • Once the PRP is extracted, it is injected into specific areas of the vagina and clitoris. The injections are usually administered with a very fine needle after applying a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort. There is usually little to no downtime associated with the O-Shot procedure. Patients can typically resume their normal activities immediately afterward. Some may experience mild discomfort or swelling at the injection site, but these effects typically resolve within a few days.

About Platelet-Rich Plasma

At Heavenly Med Spa and IV Lounge, we utilize Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to invigorate the targeted treatment area. his advanced therapy involves using the concentrated platelets found in PRP, which possess potent anti-inflammatory properties. By harnessing the regenerative potential of PRP, we aim to enhance the body's natural healing processes and promote overall skin rejuvenation and revitalization.

PRP serves as a pivotal element in the O-shot treatment. In this procedure, PRP is meticulously injected into the vaginal region to encourage heightened blood circulation, collagen synthesis, and overall revitalization. Through our O-shot treatments, you may experience enhancements in sexual function, increased sensitivity, and relief from urinary incontinence issues.

You can also check out our male counterpart of our O-Shot here.