Weight Loss

Empower Your Journey With Us

Weight Loss Program

Semaglutide is a cutting-edge medication designed to support individuals in achieving their weight management and diabetes care goals. Here’s what makes Semaglutide stand out:

  • Effective Weight Loss: Semaglutide has been clinically proven to aid in significant weight loss, helping you achieve and maintain a healthier body weight.

  • Convenient Administration: Available as a once-weekly injection, Semaglutide fits seamlessly into your routine, providing consistent and reliable support.

  • Comprehensive Health Benefits: Beyond weight loss and diabetes management, Semaglutide may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, contributing to overall long-term health.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss ⋆


Monthly Weight Loss

Semaglutide Pricing:

↳ Dosage .25 to 1 mg: $299/Month

↳Dosage 1.1- 1.7 mg: $399/Month

↳Above 1.7mg: $450/Month

↳What’s included?

  • Medication

  • 15% off I.V./I.M. vitamins

  • Access to R.N.

  • Customized Plan

    • A contract and consultation must be completed.

    • Education on injections.

    • First shot done in office.

  • In case you need to cancel or reschedule, you must notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to notify or cancel appointment at least 24 hours prior will result in forfeiting the service,

  • Smeglutide is for persons with a BMI over 27. All clients are required to start at the initial dose of .25mg for 1 month (4 weeks). The dosage is gradually increased as tolerated.

    Follow up in-office visit is required with any additional medication request.

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↳ Semaglutide is also a GLP-1 receptor agonist, but it is available in both once-weekly injectable and once-daily oral formulations. It works by mimicking the action of GLP-1, which stimulates insulin secretion, reduces glucagon secretion, slows gastric emptying, and promotes satiety. This leads to improved blood sugar control, weight loss, and a reduced risk of cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes.